980-323-4668 • Albemarle, NC


The John P. Murray Community Care Clinic has provided medical care to the low income, uninsured adults in Stanly county for the past 20 years through the generosity of volunteer providers. The volunteers have included doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and medical office assistants as well as many other individuals in the community. Our clinic is always in need of more medical providers to volunteer for a few hours once a month or every other month. Schedule is flexible to meet your needs. Please contact Chris Vaughn, Director, if you are interested.

“Thank you all for being here for me when I needed you. Community Care has been such a blessing to me. It fact, I don’t know what I would’ve done without your care. These past two years I haven’t had to worry about whether or not I‘d be able to have the medications I have needed to be able to function day-to-day and that took a lot of stress off of me. You are all so sweet and good at your jobs and I know I’m not just lucky to have you, I’m blessed. I will always be so grateful to all of you and to all the doctors who so generously donate their time and expertise to help people who otherwise have nowhere else to turn. Thank you.” ~ S.W.

303 Yadkin Street, Ste C
Albemarle, NC  28001

Phone 980-323-4668
Fax 980-323-4671

Monday – Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (by appointment only)
Closed from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm for lunch

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